Ok so here is my problem. I used DVD Shrink to compress a movie. Now I want to make a copy of it. So I go into Nero and make a Data disk using the Video_TS file. So the dvd writes and all seems ok. That is, until I put it into the dvd player. The player does not recognize the dvd. My computers, I have 2, do. But the dvd players do not. So I put in my friends copy of the movie, again that copy is a burned copy of the original, and his copy works fine on the dvd player. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG!!! This has happened to 2 of my copies. Please help.
You shouldn't need to go into Nero to do anything, when using Shrink. Shrink will automatically open Nero, and start the burning process for you. Open Shrink. In menu at top, click on "Edit", and then on "Preferences". Click on "File I/O" tab. Make sure that "Enable burning with Nero" is checked. See below: Good luck!
Do as JVC posted. Also when you open up dvd shrink and click backup tab,double check your target device. It should list your burner and burn with nero like this: Select backup target: Look at the squiggly red circle,that's where your burner will be listed. Select your burner with nero and click ok.Don't select create ISO image and Create dvd files. It should autoburn,making for a lot simpler backup process.
Hustler Hollywood in monroe Oh. My car broke down there while we were hitting the 2 large Flea Markets there. I love the names of some of the adult flicks. Last one I picked up was The Davinci Load, LOL
hello my little green friend i know what you mean, but if it makes your hand as shakey as that demo i'm going to stop buying them LOL
Thanks everyone. Everything works fine so far. Burnt one dvd and it works on both the dvd players now. Thanks again for clearing everything up.