I Need Help - Trying To Flash 3500!

Discussion in 'Digital TV - UK & Europe' started by tensia, Nov 2, 2007.

  1. tensia

    tensia Guest

    I am having a problem understanding how to flash my Pansat 3500sd with the card.
    When I unzip my 334 file, to put it on my computer to transfer to the card.

    When I right click on the file I and a box that has the options to "upgrade", "about" and "view log".
    At the botton I can choose "finish" or "help".

    I have been told to unzip,rename and resave and "bin" at the end of name.

    Can anyone tell me in steps how to do this as I am unclear about it.
    I appreciate your help!
  2. jbvideo

    jbvideo Regular member

    Sep 14, 2007
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    If the original file has a .zip or .rar after it then it needs unpacking with winrar or winzip, google for them.
  3. tensia

    tensia Guest

    When I click on the file, I get a box that wants to know what program to open it with, that is where I get lost.

    What do I do at that time?

    Give me the steps you go through to open and prepare your bin file and maybe I can go from there.
  4. jbvideo

    jbvideo Regular member

    Sep 14, 2007
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    Answer me this first Is it a ZIP FILE or a RAR FILE? does it say Zip or Rar or what after it?. If its a Zip file you have to install Winzip to unpack it (google for it) If its a Rar file then you have to install Winrar to unpack it (google for it) then when you have installed Winzip or Winrar the 334 file you mention just double click on it and it will auto find winzip and ask where to save file to then unpack it.
  5. tensia

    tensia Guest

    Thank you, I now have it. My WinZip wasen't working. I installed a new one.
    Thanks again!

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