i have the shrek2 movie and its .avi i try to watch it in quicktime, windows media player, winamp, winDVD but none of it works, in windows media player i get error downloading codec and quicktime says it doesnt have some needed software, can someone explain this and tell me where i can download the codec and where do i put the codec once downloaded. thanx, this will b greatly appericiated.
What about installing Ffdshow (only to decode/read) or Divx; + Xvid codecs? (to read AND compress movies. Be careful: incompatible with ffdshow)
Ok thats good but ill assume this shrek 2 was a backup of a DVD that you made. I asked where it came from because this forum has strict rules against assisting with piracy!
haha thats the funniest thing ive heard in a while seeing shrek2 wont be out on dvd for many months. shite its still playing in the cinemas for christ sake. haha....the end
maybe you can order it now, it was only released on may 19th in cinemas ffs, to fast to dvd.(i checked amazon and couldnt find where to buy it)http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/stores/series/-/1160/ref=pd_serl_theatrical/103-8076404-3249457. but yeah the dvd is on the net already if you know where to get it so believe it or not it is piracy thats my $0.02