Today I tried to FTP into my Xbox using FlashFXP, and for some reason it would not connect in the status window it says this (I changed the IP address to for the post, it's not the actual one i use) [R] Connecting to Jeff's Xbox -> IP= PORT=21 [R] Connected to Jeff's Xbox [R] 220- [R]220---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [R] 220-XBMC:FileZilla version 1.5.6, (based on FileZilla Server0.8.8) [R] 220- [R] 220- [R]220---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [R] 220 [R] 421 Login time exceeded. Closing control connection. [R] Connection failed [R] Delaying for 120 seconds before reconnect attempt #1 I have no idea what happened, please help.
Please use the Ip that you normally give your xbox its not like we can do anything with it.....and what dashboard are you running?
try using interent explorer and see if it works, sometime flashfxp needs more details than ie, so just type in ftp://xbox:xbox@(xboxs ip here) then tell us if it works, this happened to me and ie worked fine.
i also have the same problem, and the weird thing is I connected perfectly the night before. As i recall exactly what i did was I usually ftp through my laptop, but I had other files on my desktop that I wanted so i set up the ftp client and transferred from there. Shortly after that I connected directly to the internet and switched my network setup to auto DHCP. I woke up today and tried to ftp again from my desktop AND laptop but it keeps giving me the login time exceeded. closing control connection. I set all my settings back to how I had them to ftp as follows: Assignment: Manual (static) ip address: netmask: Def Gateway: DNS server: is there somethng i'm missing? I got exactly the same thing as jeffs but its like this: [R] Connecting to -> IP= PORT=21 [R] Connected to [R] 220- [R]220---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [R] 220-XBMC:FileZilla version 1.5.6, (based on FileZilla Server0.8.8) [R] 220- [R] 220- [R]220---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [R] 220 [R] 421 Login time exceeded. Closing control connection. [R] Connection failed [R] Delaying for 120 seconds before reconnect attempt #1
well i dont use XBMC as my main dash even though it shouldnt make a difference make sure all settings are correct on the dash....
how did you reinstall xbmc without using ftp? from a disc? or did you just do the whole install from start? i'm using xbmc as my dash, it worked great until this.
I had DVD2Xbox on my HDD, and it has FTP support, I think you can use the unleashX dashboard used to install the softmod to do this as well. Also if you kept either EvoX or UnleashX as a secondary Dashboard you can use that. The problem is with XBMC not any other programs.
guys check out my tutorial on how to FTP/make a backup xbox game. your questions may be answered there. link is in my signature.
is there any sites which i can use to download music and movies using my FTP programme which i have installed on my computer and its called FlashFXP.
this question should be made into a new thread... if it is allowed here. I can tell you that you can get WHATEVER you want from torrents. Seriously torrents is the best resource for what you're looking for. The hard part is figuring out what a torrent is and how tyo search for the stuff you want using torrent sites. My suggestion... google it.
i learned ftp today its easy but a tip turn firwall off i normall never turn mine of but when i did to day it worked also i use DeluxeFTP it works nice drag and drop files etc good luck ftp is the coolest thing ever
but do i need to put this links into FTP server ? for e.g - piratebay or isohunt. where do i need to put this inks ? into FTP server or browser ? cause i know about clients but want to use FTP. i got FlashFXP v3 . any help.
The source of the problem is that the contents of the FileZilla Server.xml is being wiped clean. If you view the file properties with the file browser or by FTPing in with another dash or FTP app you'll see that the file size of FileZilla Server.xml is 0kb. FTP a fresh copy of this file to your XBOX, overwriting the existing 0kb file, and you'll be up and running again. PS - I've still not nailed down the cause of the file being reduced to 0kb. If anyone figures this one out I'd be interested to know.