I am setting up a ftp between my xbox and my laptop. When i configure my TCP/IP setting to use the xbox ip address i get a pop up message saying that the ip address is already in use on the network, but it is not. I cleared my ip addresses from my router my self it is not in use how can i fix this or what can i do to change the ip address on the xbox
If I am reading that right, you are trying to give your pc the same IP address as your xbox? That won't work, each IP address needs to be unique. Just like a phone number, if 2 people had the same telephone number how would it know which one to go to. Either set your pc to DHCP (obtain an IP automatically) or else use a different one than the xbox. Home routers use private IP ranges, so you probably should have something like for your pc and for the xbox with both having the router ip of as the default gateway and a subnet mask of It really doesn't matter as long as each device is unique and in the same range. The mask tells it to match the first 3 sets of number, and allow anything between 1 and 254 for the last. Once you get that set up then in your FTP program you specify the Xbox's IP to connect, not in your PCs IP settings.