I've got the emulators i just cant make them work or the roms i really need help I've been searching all f-in' day for stuff like that i have yet to find anything!!! plz i'm new at this and its my first mod so... help plz!!!
all i ask is answer other ppl when they need help k so then one of your first problems are you have to be more spicifick in your mods wont work k so what emulators do you have lets say you have fce whitch is nes so your legend of zelda wont work then did you ftp it in or use a disk to put your roms in if you ftp them in then the only thing i can say did you put them in the wrong place and if you used a disk whitch i dont think you did sorry but thats kind of experienced stuff but im not saying anything but be more spaciffick and ill help you -yt-
ok i got nes and snes and sega genesis emulators. i just got my system link so i think that i can get an ftp onto my comp. so if that helps i don't know but i'll try it with that until you reply... i put them on a cd i don't think that will work. i've got unleash x and of course it's a softmod! i hope that helps thanks though man i app!