Guys, sorry for my previous thread title, which was apparently not good enough. So I have my Supercard DSONE (SDHC I believe) and it's fine. Now the problem with it is that certain games, like Chinatown Wars, Guitar Hero On Tour Decades, and Pokemon Platinum, all don't run too well. Chinatown Wars freezes at the start. The two other games never let me save, and I can't soft reset at any time. What's this anti Supercard thing? I found a patch for Chinatown Wars, but no patch for Pokemon and Guitar Hero
Not anti supercard - anti CARD GTA - all carts have needed new firmware to solve the none starting issue, have you updated the firmware to the latest, this may help with the earluer games but not GTA. Soft reset is problematic on a lot of carts not just Supercard. With Guitar hero, have you put the handgrip in as it will not start without it
Of course. What's the point of playing Guitar Hero without the peripherals? The game works fine. It's just that it doesn't save. I remember when I tried to update my firmwire my Superard stopped working :|
So, I tried to update my firmwire and it didn't work. I got the path cannot be found error. I found out the problem was with MSFORCS or something, so I just kept the one I already have, and combined my existing OS folder with the newest one from the Supercard website, and put the latest ndsupdate file in there.. It worked, even though it's not really helping. And than, I took a closer look and found out something almost clearly obvious: SAVE SIZE. On all the games I was having problems with, the Save Size was at 'unknown'. So after messing around some more, here's what I found: -Setting Pokemon Platinum to 4M, and only 4M save size, is the only thing that works for me. The game allows me to soft reset, but I can't go back to the main menu of the Supercard. -Digimon World Championship lets me save at 512.5k or something. Game doesn't let me Soft Reset or go back to Supercard Menu. -Guitar Hero doesn't have any of those at all. It doesn't save, no matter what I change the save size to. No soft reset, no return to Supercard. -I tried patching Chinatown Wars with this and now it doesn't start at all.
I don't know, haven't seen her lately. You might try PMing her. She is the only other one I know who uses/has experience with SC DS1.
someone mentioned my name first of all, update your firmware if you havent done so already. on the microsd card, there should only two system files, they are MSFORSC.NDS scshell (folder) (plus your gamenames.nds) best way to update the firmware is simply download from supercard website and overwrite it to your ones. save size is automatically set if you have the latest ndsinfo.dat get it from here,14932.0.html that link has rom info upto 3636 i have GTA CW working on my ds1 but cant remember how. i think i got it from here hope this help.
I can download the latest firmwire and all, It's the problem with the MSFORCE.DS File or whatever. Gives me can't find shell folder error. I have my DS games in a Folder called Games.
having games in a folder is ok. i dont understand what you mean by 'can't find shell folder error' did you use an updater or something? you can delete your MSFORSC.NDS and scshell and copy a new ones back onto your micro sd card. and then overwrite with the latest ndsinfo.dat too. you may wants to save a copy of your cheat files too if its more upto date than the downloaded version.
I was looking around in the forum and some other people have the same "Cannot found shell folder" problem I do. It's when you try to update/upgrade your OS/Firmwire and you get a bluescreen saying: boot MoonShell Moonshell Version 1.41 by Moonlight. Oct 8 2007 17:25:11 GMT+09:00 ITCM0 x 095db0,0x0, 0xedc DTCM0 x 2093c64, 0x800000, 0x214c Init FileSystem. FileMA x Count=256 not found EXFS. Defected adapter is MPCF. (or external CF/SD memory adapter) find path... find. can not found shell folder. Something like that. I heard that for the SDHC version (which is what I THINK I have), only files from the disc that came with the Supercard work. And like I said, the problem is with the MSFORC.DS or something, not with the actual shell folder. Because when I put in the MSFORC that came on the disc everything works just fine. What does that MSFORC file do?