I deleted my Mydvd by accident I did nit get a disk It came wit the computer can some one help me with this please. I am new to this so I might be in the wrong section. Thanks.
There are programs that are free on the net dvddecrypter dvd43 dvdfab all these programs are free for the taking do a google search to find them
Did you get recovery disc for your computer? It should be on your recovery disc. If your computer came with your recovery disc on your computer HDD read your manual to figure out how to make copies of it. Or maybe a way to restore the software from your recovery partition on the hard drive. uasly you can press a certain key to load into your recovery Counsel.
i did the same thing... if you have an HP pc then this will work if you dont well sorry. go to start, then programs, then pc help & tools, then hp application recovery. then its pretty straight forward. it might work if you dont have an hp but thats what i have