im trying to autopatch for the killtrocity mappack, but its not helping me. if anyone can tell me how to, or give me a link to a tut, that would be great
well did you put all your halo 2 clean maps in the Clean Maps folder? and if so....i can't remember if it was killtrocity 1 or 2 but there is a command in the folder that adds entries to the registry on your computer that you must execute before you click the serenity auto patcher did you do that if its there?
by "clean maps folder" do you mean the 'original maps' folder? if so then yes, i have put the maps in the folder. the only other thing in the folder is the READ ME that came with it... so.... yeh... o, and, by the way, for some reason the halomods website is failing to load for me. no one has told me if it crashed, so i dont know what happened. if ya could give me some insight, that would b nice. ill be modding containment and relic till i hear ya (\__/) ( '' ) (")(")
so the only thing you had was original maps AND a readme file? humm well i can send you the rar file of either killtrocity if you'd like. just PM me for email or AIM
i was gone for a bit lookin around and i saw the "execute before autopatching" program, but wen i use it and run autopatcher, a problem occurs and it goes blank
ok i just got back after a week of non-computerness.... i got everything working, i just needed to put all the files in the same spot with the serenity. but i cant get it onto my xbox. to be more detailed, i put it onto my xbox in a file in the games section, but it does not show in the games dashboard. help?
did you get all the necessary files from the original halo 2 will need default.xbe (disable the autoupdate) umm you will need the fonts folder WHICH goes INSIDE your maps folder...and i think you will need bink...or maybe its media...
well , i dont know how to disable the autoupdate, i tryed using a hex editor... its sooooo confusing. and i dont know how to get the fonts folder out of the halo 2 disc.... if u could give me like a step-by-step guide in this thread to get it onto the dashboard, that would be awsome, thx edit: wait i got the media, fonts, and default.xbe out of the halo 2 disc, now i need to disable the autoupdate with XV hex editor, but i cant find the offset! all the stuff is in jibberish...
well one of the Killtrocities comes with an autoupdate remover tool...i could send you that if you'd like