I need some help choosing a graphics card. I kno my computer is alittle slow but it has AMD 64 processor 2.20 GHz 1 gig of ram and 250 gb of hdd... can someone recommend a good graphics card that has tv out for around 50$ Also one more question, do you install a graphics card by simply putting it in the expansion bay or do you need to do some wiring (my current card is intergrated) I know I may be asking for alot but thanks in advance.
You only need a cable connected to the card if it requires extra power, which you won't find on a 50 dollar card. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814141065
Yes it is. For decent gaming performance you need a much better card than the 8500GT, but on a budget that strict, that will do.