hello everyone at afterdawn i have a lil problem and im here to get some help my computer has been running a lil slow and i dont know what the problem is and i want to delete some stuff but i dont know what leave or what to delete & i dont want to delete the wrong thing or program or file can some one help me or tell me what to do! epekbrick
Has it been slower than usual? And also, Slow in what way, as in is it booting up slower? or does it take longer to process? thanks.
yeah it just started being slower then usual. the booting is a lil slow too. and it definitely takes longer to process i want to delete some stuff if thats the problem but i dont know what the problem is!. can someone help anybody,somebody!!! lol
Hi, provided your problem is not virus related you probably could just do some maintenance. Uninstall old unused programs, defrag disks, prevent programs from starting at startup, clean your registry. I use a program called Tune Up Utilities and I find it keeps things in tip top shape. You may just have to much clutter. But then again it couldn't hurt to update some ram too. Here's a link for the Microsoft Safety Scanner which is free to use http://onecare.live.com/site/en-us/default.htm?s_cid=sah/?s_cid=sah I've used it and it was ok, took ALONG time though to run so if you use it make sure your not going to need your comp for awhile. Hope that will help!