I need to know if there is a website that says you the size of the games. Here are some games that I wish to know what size they are. Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones Half-Life 2 Far Cry Instincts
Half Life and Prince of Persia are both just over 2GB. Far Cry Instinct 2.6GB. I don't have a site listing sizes but I have each of those games ripped.
How about..Matrix Path of Neo, The Warriors, Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks, Ninja Gaiden Black, Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth And From Russia with Love.
Ninja Gaiden Black between 4 - 4.4GB. MK Shaolin Monks is a little over 4GB. I don't have the others so I don't know. The funny thing is I have all those other games for PS2 except Call Ctulhu which I'm thinking about soon for Xbox. I guess we have similar tastes in games.