I've been trying to use DVD Decrypter on National Treasure. some of the files cant be decrypted. will it still work if i skip the file?
no it wont work, try to decrypt it with dvdfab decryter. http://www.dvdidle.com/free.htm if it still doesn't work, then you might have a defect disc.
use DVDFab Decrypter: http://www.dvdidle.com/free.htm it's the updated version of DVDDecrypter that will do the job of ripping the movie to the hard drive..... then you have to compress the movie to fit to a DVD-5 or use a DVD-9 (DL). what other program will you use?
STEPHMAN , yes DVDFab will decrypt the movie for you. As far as compression I would suggest DVDShrink. You can find it here: http://www.dvdshrink.org/
Sorry but i have one last question. Will DVD Shrink also burn the movie or am I going to need another program for that?
there are many transcoders and encoders that will compress the movie to a single layer DVD-5. Shrink is very popular and freeeeee! AnyDVD plus CloneDVD2 are also member crowd pleaser but costs..... they do have a free 21 day trial period for you to try it out: www.slysoft.com I know you'll like it if you try it! I had to get it too! and there is lifetime updates when you buy and they are very fast with those updates when new encryption comes out! and if you use Shrink you'll need a burning program to burn to disk where CloneDVD2 will compress and write to disk.
Oh, well I'm going on 20 minutes with National Treasure and it seems to have stopped at about 65%. Does that mean i have a defective disk?
With Shrink you can just use a free version of Nero. Shrink basically just uses Nero's burning engine. That is the free route. IHOE also mentions some great progs though. Anydvd is a superb program and if you want to spend some money (it is a very small amount though) this is definitely a program worth purchasing. I have had a lot of luck with CloneDVD as well. IHOE is also correct with decrypt times. You will vary some depending on the speed and ram of your comp , as well as the size of the movie you are trying to decrypt (i.e. single layer, dual layer). This is also assuming that you don't run into any problems. But those are always fun to figure out when you run across them.
Well it seems to be running a little slow but it has gotten past the point in which I thought I had a defective Disk. There might still be hope for me yet. And also I'd like to thank both of you for helping me with the questions I had. ( I feel new, lol )
Glad to help out. Don't worry about feeling new. It is a learning process. The more you do the more you figure out. I successfully ripped National Treasure a while back but I did it with DVDDecrypter (I think, it has been a good while). It seems like there was an area of the disk it didn't like. I may have run AnyDVD in the background or put one together using part of a File Mode rip in DVDDecrypter and part from DVDFab. When the disc gets through you can always flip it over and take a look and see if there is a scratch or something on it. It could have been as simple as that.
Yeah once it's done I'll have to take a look at that. I think im still going to be here a while though. Seems like its not liking the last 25% of the disc.
Post your findings and we'll go from there. Your read speed has probably just dropped down a good bit while Fab is trying to compensate for something it doesn't like. Good luck and let us know if you need help.
Wow, this is taking forever, it may have only proceeded another 1 or 2% since i last posted. This is getting really annoying...
just wondering, why is limewire pro free when really it costs 18.95 or is this link a warez link cuz if it is, there's a chance you might get banned.
O.K. I really need some help now. I gave up on National Treasure and started The 40 Year Old Virgin. It has successfuly decrypted. So what do i do now?