I need some serious help on making a DVD

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by MakoHazrd, Jul 12, 2006.

  1. MakoHazrd

    MakoHazrd Member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    Okay so I started out with a bunch of anime episodes that were in MKV format. Let me just say I hate that format because it brings lots of troubles and program downloads. Anyways, I got winavi and converted them into dvd. When I do this it gives me one main folder with two subfolders labled Audo_TS and Video_TS that contain files I guess, although audio ts doesnt seem to have anything in it. Anyways aparently these work because I can open their folders in the new Media Center, which comes with the media center edition of windows xp, and they play the video.

    My question is, how do I get these onto a DVD so I can play them in a DVD player or my ps2. I tried using Roxio which came with my computer but it seems to only accept single video files like a single avi file or something. I tried using WINAVI to make a dvd, but it wont let me select more than one of those "dvd folders" and when it does burn it seems like it's a data DVD rather than one that plays in dvd players.

    Have I done everything right up to this point? Is there some other dvd burning software out there that is better and I should be using? Thank you very much and I apologize for the long post.

    PS: I have done a lot of research on this so please don't flame me if the answers are obvious.

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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  3. cougar_ii

    cougar_ii Regular member

    Aug 19, 2004
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    Do you still use the v0.5.2b version often ?

    Does it still convert pretty much all files you give it ?

    I haven't used this version since v1.99 Pre-Released came out, and running the latest ConvertXtoDVD.

    So much has changed since, just curious on the % of success with this old Preview version, specially with all the new video formats, and badly encoded files that exists out there !

    Thanks !
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2006
  4. MakoHazrd

    MakoHazrd Member

    Jun 30, 2006
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    So I can make a file called ISO from the video episode's folder called video_ts and take the iso and burn it onto a dvd with dvd decrypter? Is that right? Is there any way to arrange the order that the episodes will play on the dvd? I'm assuming you can't make menus with DVD Decrypter. Also is the only thing I need for each video episode is its VIDEO_TS folder alone?

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