i/omagic idvd16dd/(same?)Benq 1620 firmware wont go to B series firmware

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by Brasah, Feb 27, 2006.

  1. Brasah

    Brasah Member

    Dec 18, 2004
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    I just upgraded from g7c9 firmware to g7z9 Now i want to upgrade to the B7W9 firmware but when i do it says the drive is locked and cannot be upgraded anyone know why?
  2. zebadee

    zebadee Regular member

    Oct 30, 2005
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  3. Brasah

    Brasah Member

    Dec 18, 2004
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    Thanks so much you guys out here are truly Geniuses it worked perfectly I now have a Benq 1620 that used to be a i/omagic 1dvd16dd burner burns and reads my crappy media i bought other day
    Wooo HOooo tx again
  4. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    I've got the I/O Magic 16x which is a benq 1620. It originally had the B7-C9 firmware,now updated to the B7-W9.

    The B series firmware is for the retail model and the G series is for the pro. That is odd that your drive had the G series.

    The 1620 is a sweet drive. I booktype the plus format to dvd-rom. The compatability of my backups were way superior to my 3 other non benq drives.They play just about anywhere. It performed so well,I tried to buy another I/O Magic 16x and it turned out to be an Empa drive from Middle East FIZO. That is one pc of crap drive,now collecting dust. Another 1620 fixed that. Then,I had 2 benqs a booktyping and didn't have to worry about which backups I could send to certain family members.

    Well over 3000+ backups on this drive and she's still holding strong! Even on the fly!

    Another Benq 1640 in my Main pc and stand alone compatability is the same.

    BTW: I/O Magic 16x drives are also made by BTC and probably a number of other brand names.

    Brasah: Are you booktyping your backups?
  5. Brasah

    Brasah Member

    Dec 18, 2004
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    well thats the info i got from DVD Info and however or whatever with I am certain it made my burner a better burner with the new firmware
    Any way about your question on "Are you booktyping your backups?" I have just started hearing about this while i was looking around for firmware . I have no idead what it is or does So to answer Uhhhhhh... i dont know so if woul be so kind to enlighten me on this booktyping i would appreciate
    Tx for replies
  6. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    Booktyping,also known as bit-setting:

    This is the ability to alter the plus format media to dvd-rom. This only works on certain drives and the plus format only. Benqs are capable of booktyping.Plextor/Lite-on/Lg/and certain sony that are rebadged lite-ons.

    This booktyping is for compatability issues. If you encounter any stand alone player/s,game consoles, or other pc dvd drives and you get a no disc error,then the booktyping is a huge asset.It actually fools those drives into thinking they are actual dvd-rom format,which is the most universally compatable format. Some drives won't recognize dvd backups. Maybe they'll read plus/maybe the dash/maybe both/and some will not play either. By booktyping,you actually have a third format to try.It also comes in handy if you pass those backups around to friends and family members.Overall compatability on other drives.

    Some of those model brands may use a certain burn program or utility. Drives like NEC and Pioneer need special hacked firmware to achieve booktyping.

    I use to booktype both my 1620s with nero6. Dvd shrink has a box in the backup options that you tick to get them booktyped-using nero. This would not work with my 1640. I had to download qsuite 2.0 for that drive,but I also use it on both my other pcs with the 1620s. Dvd decrypter has a setting to booktype.

    Here's some sites you may want to bookmark into your favorites. It has the qsuite utility and you can get future updates for your drive. I've had mine for over a year and a half. Started with B7-C-9. A slew of updates for the 1620 in that short span.Benq keeps on top when it comes to new firmware versions.


    qsuite 2.0 and 2.1:


    Try downloading qsuite 2.0
    qsuite 2.1 has some bugs in it,so I don't recommend downloading that one. With the 1620,you won't have full use of all the programs of qsuite. You'll have Booktype/Qscan/WOPC/and Test write.

    Now my 1640 has those options,plus overspeed protection and solid burn. That's the bad thing about the 1620. They will overburn sony and fuji +8x media at 16x if you leave them set at max.

    Last edited: Mar 3, 2006

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