Hello all; I recently bought a Samsung DVD Recorder DVD-R155. I bought Philips HDMI M62809 cable also. I I tried following the insruction on how to plug in the HDMI cable--easy. Is that all i have to do and i could watch the movie? I asked because somehow i could not make the on screen display to appear on tv. I pressed the input selector on the tv remote but no such display appeared. Am i missing some connections. I thought the HDMI cable is all i need to make it work? Help!
Does'nt sound like your missing anything except some setting adjusment either on the TV or the DVD. I believe on some TV's and DVD players the HDMI function needs to be enabled / set to on.
Hi, thanks for the reply. Do you know how to go about changing the settings? I have a WEGA Sony and a cable box from Comcast. I hooked the DVD to the back of the TV usng the DHMI. I don't know how to go from there. thanks.
sorry i do not know your particular menu navigations or setttings. Check your equipment user guides. If you don't have them, download them from manufacturers websites
I finally figured it out. I went to the Sony setting (duh!) and bravely change the video 6 setting. I can watch movies now, although I haven't noticed anything different from watching movies without or without the HDMI cable.
Best to go into the Samsung's settings and try to set the output type or singal quality (usually in the video subsection - read the manual). Goodluck.
I must admit my panasonic upscalling DVD recorder did'nt show much difference between decent scart connection and HDMI. Perhaps the difference would be more noticeable on the big displays like 40" & up. The best test method I found was to find a fully computer generated animation DVD like the PIXAR stuff (monster INC, toy story etc) and press pause on a close up scene with particular detail like hairs. Then swap between scart input and HDMI and you should see the detail from HDMI is crisper. I also found that HDMI did not auto-switch when I press play so for the babysitter and wife's benefit I have the scart lead in place aswell.