Hey Afterdawn i recently purchased a sony dvdirect VRD-VC20 and its a great product but i am not able to make a copy of disc, of my home videos for family and friends, i have tried dvd shrink, dvd fab.. but the dvd shrink wont open it at all, and dvd fab does the job of putting it on the harddrive for me but i used programs like shrink from there to lower the gb from dvd9 to a dvd5 but as i mentioned it wouldnt open it from the harddrive or the dvd itself. Can someone help me?
I am having some of the same troubles. I also bought the Sony DVDirect thinking I would be able to make a backup copy and also to record some shows off of my dish network dvr, but in the case of any HBO show the DVDirect stops the signal. I am assuming that it is detecting a signal from or through HBO. I am really disappointed in it because of that, I never had a problem with recording a show to a VHS tape but now I am having trouble recording much of anything. Is there any way to bypass this feature either? Someone out there must know more about this. If we can't make a copy of a DVD let alone a show on cable, maybe I should take it back? Thanks in advance for any insight........
I don't have the Sony and I would not have one . The build quality is usually very good. Sony has bcome obsessed with copy protection. A problem with dubbing a commercial VHS to DVD is Macrovision. A problem with copying a program from the DVDirect is CPRM or ? . this flag will not allow a copy or it might allow 1. The machines are compliant and will not allow copies to a DVD recorder. Sony is very overpriced. I would take it back. If serious. check these sites http://www.techolio.com/ http://ncc2315.com/ilo/ Check [ Guitarman posts ] he/she is very knowledgeable
I really considering taking it back. I bought it cause I like the stand alone feature, but if it won't allow me to even record a HBO or certain other channels movies then it is not what I thought I was buying. I will definately look into the links that you posted as well. Any other suggestions of a recorder that I can hook up to my DVR/tivo and my computer would be greatly appreciated. Are there any recorders that work better for dubing a backup copy of my dvd's than others? BIG Thanks again......