I converted a divx file using DIVxtoDVD. Then I took all the files it created and burned it onto a DVD-R. It looks like all I have now is a data DVD with some .IFO, .BUP, and .VOB files. What do I need to use to turn this into a watchable DVD?
Dear huckypuck, After converting with DivxToDVD, you'll have all the folders and files like what you have on a regular DVD (Audio_TS + Video_TS folder). If you like, you can click on the 'Video_TS.ifo' file under the Video_TS folder to view the movie to see if everything is alright. If yes, then you can burn to DVD with Nero or whatever. However, you don't burn as 'data disc'. One convenient way to do this with Nero would be: Run Nero Recode, click 'copy entire dvd to dvd', and 'import dvd'. Now go to and highlight the 'video_ts folder' (the folder, not the files), click confirm, and burn away. You should now have a DVD that works like any regular dvd. Happy DVD burning!
or you can try tmpgenc dvd author to edit your conversion, add titles and menus(basically make your project pretty) before you utlise your desired burning suite, to get it to dvd disc.
Got it to work. What I ended up doing was use DVD Shrink to author it. It combined all the files into one .ISO file and then I burned it with DVD Decrypter. The resulted DVD worked. The quality was a little less than expected. I would say it was about VHS quality but still very watchable. Is that because I was using freeware to do all this or maybe just my original .avi file wasn't all that clean to begin with?
probably will be the source file.The better the original then you have a better chance of getting a smoother and cleaner end result.
dude if the files' 2 big shrink it w/ dvd shrink which will end up with a iso file then burn it with dvd decripter or if the file's under 4.3 just burn it with nero remember 4x the highest you can go on dvd. plus use verbatim or mcc based dvd media.
or download a trial version of CopyTODVD, made by VSO Software (the company responsible for DivxToDVD thus makes a nice little bundle) sortly, the upcoming commercial version of divxtodvd will include its own burning engine.