I've been browsing the internet, looking up information about softmodding, and it has lead me to confusion. I'll search for a tutorial, and I'll find numerous ones some newer than others, some using different exploit files than others. Can someone tell me which is the best, most recent guide to softmodding my xbox? Also, which exploit package is best to be used and why? After I complete my softmod, I'd like to upgrade the hard drive to a 400GB Seagate hard drive. I know it is lockable, but is the fact that it is over 137 GB an issue? Any help with these questions is greatly appreciated.
http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/244804 That is a perfest torturial on how to soft mod. enjoy,learn lots and help others!
http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/218495 Sorry,this is a much better one im telling you. enjoy!!!
The second tutorial you posted is dated August 2005, that's almost a year ago. I'm looking for a newer tutorial that includes the newest files to use.
I use a softmod that's almost 2 years old (UXE), and it works great... Just because it's an older method doesn't mean it's bad.
venom, could you please tell me where the tortulial is and cheak out my second one and see if youres is better than mine,please!!
i have some questions about softmodding to. I saw in the torturial the you had to use like splinter cell because it has a special file in it, after i set the program can i switch disks to halo 2 and mod that? And also dose it alow me to use the program dothalo?? If it dosent suport it what dose it do???? PLEASE HELP ME OUT!!!!!!
I dont know about the HD - but I know that I wrote a very good tutorial on how to softmod your xbox here - http://www.freewebs.com/drxthirst/moddingtutorials.htm Hope this helps!