I would like to ask the experts on this board to show me the first steps to XBOX Modding

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by suki24, Jun 11, 2004.

  1. suki24

    suki24 Member

    Jun 11, 2004
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    I have no clue what to get first or even which product to buy..so I ask you guys the for advice for the steps I should take to modding my xbox..Ive searched the boards but they always tell me bits of information

    you dont have to give a detail explanation but mainly what chips I should get and what programs I need..

    I mainly interest in saving games to my HDD so it would helpful if you could elaborate in that area
  2. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    sure it would be easy for someone to come in here and say "get X chip, and do things THIS way", but since everyone finds that different things work best for them, you might not be getting enough info to make things go smooth for you. your best bet is to keep searching and experimenting to find out what suits you needs. first you need an xbox, duh. then you gotta decide on what chip to get, solder - no solder, will you need one with an on/off switch for xbox live, do you want to use a dashboard or not (needed for installing games to drive or ftp). there are alot of variables to consider, and we can help you thru all of it. But it just isn't right for someone to come in and drop one opinion on you, kinda gives you the short end of the stick. If you have specific questions, by all means post them. If you want to spend some time reading up on some great info, check out the tutorials section of xbox-scene.com. let us know when you get going and we'll help you along from there as well as making backups of your games or utilizing a larger HDD in the xbox so you can just store games on it and play from there.
  3. BoxMods

    BoxMods Regular member

    Jun 10, 2004
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    When I first started, I read at www.x-scene.com for weeks on end about everything. Go there and read.
  4. eagle17

    eagle17 Member

    Oct 2, 2003
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    I agree with them, I just finished modding mine and I wouldnt trade the exsperience for the world. Like they said, take your time and learn.
  5. djboogie

    djboogie Regular member

    Oct 26, 2003
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    when you first start doing an xbox, if you have never done it before, do it in steps and write down each step in order
    look on forums regarding main issues such as
    hardware, bios, dashboards/apps, ftp, backups
    youll soon get the idea
    theres enough detailed information on this forum for you to do it start to finish, with many good links to tutorials
  6. Jdilla

    Jdilla Regular member

    Dec 7, 2003
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    you cant ask that here, cuz everyone will tell you different things, go to www.xbox-scene.com and do your research there, one thing ill tell you, if you dont know how to solder, either get a no solder modchip, or learn how to solder real, real good, before you do it to your xbox.
  7. eggbert52

    eggbert52 Regular member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Jdilla probably gave the best advice here. I can tell you that I am not very good at modchips, bios etc. so I for one am glad that I bought a pre-modded system with Evox loaded right in. Maybe I am a little slow, but I had a hard time understanding what FTP, ISO, and terms like even meant in layman's terms. But, after a lot of reading over and over again I started to understand after seeing certain things repeated over and over again. It probably took me longer than it should have because I didn't want to sit down and read and make the effort.
  8. jlg895

    jlg895 Regular member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Where did you buy it ?
  9. djboogie

    djboogie Regular member

    Oct 26, 2003
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    dude, trust me, do it yourself
    its cheaper, you lean things, you feel like you acomplished something.
    People only tell you differnt things, ie differnt WAYS to do things, because there ARE differnt ways, they arent always WRONG, just differnt,
    people give very good advice in this forum, and I dont think Ive ever seen a point blank completely WRONG answer (cept the guy that said make a backup using dvd-decrypter)
    You can mod you own xbox with a chip, and install a 80gb hdd (get one off ebay etc), for around $90 if you do it yourself. (if you use solder modchips, as I do, take at least $10 off that)
    ALL THE APPS you need are free, all can be found on the web or irc. If I paid for a modded xbox, knowing what I know, Id kick myself, knowing that its really not hard to do, if you do it a step at a time.
    Some sites charge around $270 for a modded xbox, RETAIL drive, and then you still gotta do the bios etc
    yea some will do the bios for you, and maybe even evox etc, but if you do it yourself, youll learn the other stuff as you go!
    after the modchip install and bios is flashed, get an auto installer (usual places)
    if you screw it up, its VERY easy to sort out then.
    Even if you got a modded xbox, youd still find yourself on the forums asking questions, yet, if you research and do it yourself, some of those questions will be answered on the way.
    Read a lot of forum posts and answers, look at xbox-scene, and x-b-o-x.net, xbox100.com etc. If someone writes a post that is utter lies and garbage, trust me, its jumped on!!
    do it yourself, have fun doin it:)

    psst yea but egg, you invented the worlds first xbox that makes toast!!! hehe
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Is it true Michael Jackson speaks Marklar?[/small]
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2004
  10. eggbert52

    eggbert52 Regular member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Don't listen to Boogie...buy it premodded...Boogie is smarter than all of us combined and everything comes easy to him...Boogie built his own space shuttle and was consulted by NASA because the tiles on his shuttle never fell off. This ain't the space shuttle...but you get the picture.
  11. Jdilla

    Jdilla Regular member

    Dec 7, 2003
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    lol :0)
  12. djboogie

    djboogie Regular member

    Oct 26, 2003
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    Damn egg shhhhh!!!!
    Everyone will want one!!!!
    Well whichever way you do it, have fun and dont get ripped off, if you look at the prices of hard drives on ebay, and the modchips on system-modz etc, you can get the idea of how much you should be spending, Cant tell you what I charge for em, cos That would be advertising, (darth and pra will castrate me....and it'll hurt) Best hting to do is what you got told previously, have a look at tutorials, see if you reckon you can do it, if you can fine! If you dont think youre quite up to it, get a good deal , just dont get ripped off!!

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