SO FRUSTRATED! My burning equipment was working fine then something happened...still don't know what. My ICopy was telling me that I couldn't burn the movie because it was encrypted, so, I downloaded DVD43 to go with it. That worked great for a while, then if movies were over the alotted time on my burnable blank discs then the time "counter" would say 1:47:00 time left to burn. It never took an hour and 47 min. before to burn a disc. I've tried numberous movies of all lengths and production companies. All the same. Can someone PLEASE tell me what is going on? Why was I able to copy perfectly and easily before and now it's wigging out. I took my computer in to Geek Squad to have it repaired but it was not even playing DVD's before. If I ask the techs to help me burn they refuse saying it's illegal and are no help. So I have a very expensive computer with a great DVD burner and can't use it....grrr....