if any 1 knows how 2 put halo 2 mods on the 360 let me kno plz i know a couple of people on xbl has done it
they are lying.....there are no linux save type games for 360 yet......SO it is pretty much impossible for right now.....no1 has figured it out yet, and just a question, why would you want to mod it, I mean it is reallly good system i wouldn't risk messing it up
no, u can but not by installing linux. u have to have a sata port on your computer then connect your 360 hdd to the comp and download xplorer 360 and then take the map files off of the hdd and mod them and then put it back on, the link to xplorer 360 is here http://xbox360.qj.net/Xplorer360-Beta-2-Released/pg/49/aid/5063 "Xplorer 360 is a file management program for the Xbox 360. Being in Beta 2, this is not yet a perfect release, but it great start, and has many features including the following: FULL Read/Write to 360 HDDs. FULL Read/Write to 360 Memory Units. Physical and Logical drive access. Support for opening of dumps of both devices. Backup/Restore dump options."
if you could transfer saves to the 360, you could transfer the splintercell linux save to it and run that since the 360 runs splintercell. Just a thought, it may not work. i dont even know if its possible to transfer a gamesave to the 360.