I have an ILO DVD recorder DVDR04 in which the loading tray won't stay closed even with no disk in the tray. Has this happened to anyone else? I have found that the tray will stay closed if I tilt the unit at about a 45 degree angle until it loads. If someone has found a better way around this problem, let me know.
[ kjvsword ] The tray mechanisum in the DVD drive is most likely not operating correctly and the tray not closing all the way-- Look at this http://www.techolio.com/forums/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=1868 I sounds as the drive is working when the tray is closed. If so, PM me [private message ] You can most likely fix it. If it does not play with the tray closed, look through the above thread I don't know what your use is but the RHD04 is worth the effort.
Many users have said the drive is no good and/or the laser is defective/dirty, the tray wont open.etc. and replace a perfectly good unit [This is My Opinion] So far I have not had to clean nor do anything to the laser and I’ve had my two RHD04 and R04 some two years. This Tray problem shows up after use and age [Your drive] Is most likely a DDW 451s this drive has a Belt Drive mechanism for the tray. The 1693s and many drives have a direct gear drive. While I have removed some plastic debris this belt is the cause of most problems Open the drive and unplug the unit. This will enable you to move the tray in or out [don’t close the tray all the way as it might lock closed] and have to go through the process again. You do not have to completely remove the drive but you may find it easier to remove the 4 mounting screws and move the drive back a little. Remove the top cover. Pull the cover at the rear upward. There will be some resistance. This is the pull of the magnet in the top assembly. [it is this that prevents the tray opening as the belt slips]. After its off you can see the belt at the front of the drive [you may have to move the tray or unit]. The belt is easy to remove and replace. The belt may look ok but is not. Before replacing the belt clean the pulleys with a little alcohol. It is a SQUARE belt and you have to use a square belt. The belt size is important, if to small or to large, the tray will not operate properly. I use a belt that is a square belt .046 (1.2mm) x 17mm INSIDE diameter This belt is as small as wanted, any smaller will not work the tray. It could be very little larger, say 18mm. It could be some .055 thick. If .055 thick the diameter could be a little larger again say 18.5mm I get this belt # SBS 2.1 from this supplier http://www.universal-semi.com/belts/vcrcass.htm#THICKNESS .046" They are wholesale only but you can use the site for info Another is http://www.kenselectronics.com They have a good selection and may be able to help You may also have a supplier in your area I have repaired a number of these drives and all work fine. The one in the R04 would not open and now works fine. Let me know if there are any problems and should you decide to replace the drive [Go through that thread I gave in my other post] rather than repair. I would be interested in purchasing the old one. Don’t give up on the RHD04 it’s a keeper, is non compliant and can I assume is hacked
Yes it is hacked to record the in Three Hour mode. The drive works great after I get the tray to close.