I recently purchased the R05/mu1 from walmart...and for the last week havent been able to record a single useful disc.......and now have a extensive collection of coasters to build a nice little wind chime....if this is all this machine is good for.....save ur money and build a wind chime by hand.......lots cheaper... Any one have any ideas or suggestions to get this unit to work ? is there any firmware out there to resolve this issue...if thats possible..otherwise its making its way back to walmart so the can repack it and put it back on the shelf . Note buyer beware.....
Have you been using the same brand of disc, or have you been switching between brands? It is possible that your recorder simply does not like the brand of disc you are using. Mine likes FujiFilm, Verbatim, and Memorex so far.
Yes i've tried multiple diff brands.....and zippoo , nada.....nothing seemed to work after burning over dozen plus coaster i took it back to walmart..luckly i found and older vesion left on shelf as a demo...ver 4.0 i grabbed that and vola problem solved accepted all the dvd+r r/w discs. So my advice to anyone comtemplating getting the v5.0 dont get a v 4.0 if u can find one..... then again i could have gotton a bad v5 George