ILO DVDR04 wont prepare disc issues

Discussion in 'DVD recorders' started by fatewolf, Jan 2, 2006.

  1. fatewolf

    fatewolf Guest

    I just recently bought an ilo dvdr04 and have started to have issues. It originaly started to where the dvd tray would not open, i found out how to open in using the internal button which resolved that issue but since that started it will no longer prepare any tipe of dvd+r. when i put one it it just eventually times out until it says fail or disc error. I want to get this fixed. I have tried the soft reset by holding the stop button and powering off using the remote which didnt fix anything.

    What should i do?
  2. j3anluc

    j3anluc Member

    Feb 26, 2005
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    I recently had the same problem with this recorder not recogizing media. Download the upgrade for your recorder from the ILO website You will have to burn the update to a CD & run it on your recorder.

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