Im having problems when i start my main computer

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by vinny1971, Mar 2, 2010.

  1. vinny1971

    vinny1971 Member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    I hope someone can help.

    I turned on my main computer this morning and it took me to the screen where it gives you the options (black screen, white writing) to open it in
    safe mode,
    safe mode with networking
    safe mode with command prompt

    Last good configuration ect ect

    and Start Windows Normally.

    This has not happened before so i pressed on Start Normally. I thought it had done the trick (because it looked like it was loading) but it took me back to the same screen again. This time i pressed safe mode and again the exact same thing happened. I have tried all the other options and the same result.

    I closed down my computer and on restart i pressed down on F8 Again the same result.

    I just cannot get back in my computer.

    Can you help Please. And if so, please explain the solution in simple terms as i am no computer wiz.

  2. vinny1971

    vinny1971 Member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    I have Windows XP
  3. Azlyrix

    Azlyrix Member

    Dec 21, 2009
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    Thats what F8 does... it takes u there.
    depending on the model of ur PC u should be able to preforme a restore from the cmd if u have the partition set up.
    if not try last know config. and or vga mode.
    and keep an eye for any msg before it restarts again.
    if nothing shows up just reinstall windows boss
  4. vinny1971

    vinny1971 Member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    Thanks for your help.

    I only pressed F8 after this problem was already there.

    I still have the problem and i dont have a disc that will let me re install windows.

    Is there another way around this problem. I have so much stuff on my Computer. I would HATE to lose it all.
  5. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    what is the make & model# of your computer?
  6. jony218

    jony218 Guest

    Always start by doing the easy stuff. When a computer is working fine one day then for no reason it fails to boot. You always need to suspect corrupt system files. This might have been cause by an abnormal shutdown.
    1. you need to do a chkdsk c: /f , if you can get in the safemode with the command prompt. Type in the command. This will fix file corruption 99 percent of the time. I suspect this is your problem.

    Your problem is fixable as long as the drive is spinning/reading you can fix it without losing data. Worst case scenario all your data is recoverable.

    If previously to this problem you had install new software or done partitioning/imaging restoration etc on your drive, that might have cause problems. But those are fixable too.

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