Im Having Trouble Using Image Files - Please Help

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by dougal79, Oct 1, 2006.

  1. dougal79

    dougal79 Regular member

    Aug 11, 2006
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    hi guys. sorry if this sounds like a noob question, but ive had the answers to some of these questions before but always forget them as there is that many different image files & programs that do all these different things with the images.. anyway, can someone tell me the best way to BURN/CONVERT/MOUNT various image files like .ISO, BIN/CUE, MDF/MDS, UIF ETC? I i have all the programs but just forget which program does what for what image.. the programs i have are: POWERISO, ALCOHOL 120%, BLINDWRITE, ISOBUSTER, MAGICISO & MAGICDISC, IMGBURN, DAEMON TOOLS v4, FOLDER2ISO, DVD DECRYPTER , & ULTRAISO... if anyone could PLEASE take the time out to help me, i will write all this into notepad & put it in with all these programs, that way ill know what does what with what file & i wont have to ask again.. any help or advice is welcome.. thanks
  2. guyrus

    guyrus Guest

    i think the easist solution for you is to go to the site below and just put the file extension in and it will tell you what program to use.
  3. Sioen

    Sioen Member

    Jun 2, 2005
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    And you don't really need all of those programs. Between Alcohol and Daemon Tools, you pretty much have it covered.

    If you try burning in Alcohol, navigate to the folder where your image files are, the one you need to burn will show up, select it, and it will burn it.

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