I'm in desperate need of some serious xbox education! I managed to lose my dashboard. HELP!

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by hammyST, Mar 24, 2007.

  1. hammyST

    hammyST Member

    Mar 24, 2007
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    I was recently given an original XBOX and I have managed to lose the dashboard. When I turn my xbox now it will not take my past the very first xbox-microsoft screen(black and green). It only does this when I don't have a game in and trying to get to the settings screen. It will play games, although even this is sporadic at times. The games will run for awhile then I get an error msg. stating that "The disk may be dirty or damaged and I need to restart".
    I was trying to find a way to download a copy of a dashboard and then just run in the xbox cause I don't know how to hook it up to my PC yet(told ya'all I need some education) :).
    I would be grateful for some guidance.
  2. Gizza205

    Gizza205 Member

    Sep 14, 2006
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    Well if you tryed softmodding it and deleted dashbaord then all you need to do is get a backup of a softmod premade and load up the game you softmodded with and game save then just transfer it over. Once you have done that download AID 3.0 and burn it then load up on your xbox then restore your MS Dash and while your there get a new dashboard ect... ect.. I dont know if this works yet i am doing this now (AID 3.0 is taking FOREVER).
    As for the Dirty part That's nothing to do with the softmod i believe mayby you should check your DVD Drive
  3. hammyST

    hammyST Member

    Mar 24, 2007
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    I'm in the process of downloading Nero 7.8 in hopes of making a data DVD with the Microsoft files needed to make a new dashboard for my xbox. I read in a thread Want to restore your Microsoft Dashboard to it's Retail State? Read Inside. that I can this data DVD, pop it in my xbox and BAM! I have a new dashboard. Now I don't know if it's going to be all that simple but I'm hoping for the best.
    This may sound silly to you but, what exactly is softmodding? and should I be doing this? Thanks for help!
  4. Gizza205

    Gizza205 Member

    Sep 14, 2006
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    Softmodding is a linux hack for the xbox and i think it changes Originals default.xbe i dunno much about it but i know it plays burned games :). Btw what do you mean? Your burning a M$ Dashboard and going to put it in the xbox and see what happens? I may try that if this AID 3.0 Installer thingy fur bobby doesnt work. Btw offtopic for a few seconds DOES anyone know if AID 3.0 Will work on Xbox Live.? I need help because i still want to play Burned Halo 2 CD's so i can play fun mods on live i just need it to work thanks.
  5. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    I agree, if it can play a burned disc, i would get SID 4.5 and re-do the softmod first, then get AID 3.1 and you can reinstall the dashboards. AID 3.1 can re-do the softmod as well, as it has several SID versions on it. And since you have the game save (hopefully) still on your machine you will not even need to transfer that again.

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