I recently purchased a Maxtor 200GB 7200 RPM internal hard drive which was a upgrade from my current hard drive which was only 10gb I also purchased a Memorex® 16x max dual format double layer internal DVD drive and an additional 256mb ram card to give me 512mb on my pc my question is with my processor speed being only a Intel Celeron Processor with 495 mhz with windows XP being the operating system I’m running and my other additions to my pc will I be able to burn dvds efficiently with the system I have??? If not are there any suggestions to what parts or pieces I need to upgrade??? Lastly is Memorex dvd-r/+r media compatible with burning dvds??? At realiable success level or should I try another type of media???
Dipset, an answered you other post. Re-check your free hard drive space and get rid of anything you don't need.10 gigs may be ok,depending on your encoding programs. Memorex are not highly recommended here at AD. They have some good media,but chances are- you can get the poorer media.They have a manufacturer called c-magnetics corp,and they seem to make the majority of their media. Nearly all brands of media are outsourced to different manufacturers. Quality control can vary between these manufacturers.Switching to different quantity lots will also switch mfg codes. Media quality is the #1 issue here.Not only just to burn,but on viewing your backups on other pcs and stand alone players. For the same price for the memorex, you can get a heck of a lot better quality media. Taiyo yuden rated among the best-but you have to get them at meritline,rima and other net stores. I highly recommend MAXELL to the newbs. They have some very good manufacturers and no crappy ones.They are also easy to locate nearby and when on sale,under 40 cents a piece.What I really like about them,even switching to different spindle lots,or jewel case packs,they still have the same manufacturer's codes like: Maxell/ricohjpn/ritek g04/tygo1. These are a great start,until you get into the taiyo yudens or the verbatim data life plus. Fuji also has some very good manufacturers.Taiyo yuden makes some of theirs. Sony 1x-8x media are looking very good,some of the + ones are made by taiyo yuden. On local sales,look for made in japan on those labels. Staples is known to mix them together with the taiwanese ones on their sony sales. I've been hearing some good things about the memorex 16x burner. Combine that with high quality media/4x burn speed/no background apps running and you will have a lot fewer issues on your backups.
Saugmon, What do you think of TDK media? I have tried ritek, memorex, and tdk and I have never had any type of problems with any of them but I stuck with TDK due to they usually go on same more often. I was just wanting to get your opinion on them though?
Here are some of TDK'S manufacturers: TDK DVD+R 4x (CMC MAG.F01) TDK DVD+R 4x (RICOHJPNR01) TDK DVD+R 8x (CMC MAG.E01) TDK DVD+R 8x (RICOHJPN R02) TDK DVD+RW 2.4x (MCC.....A01) TDK DVD+RW 4x (RICOHJPNW11) TDK DVD-R 2x (MCC 00RG200) TDK DVD-R 2x (MXL RG01....) TDK DVD-R 2x (RITEKG04....) TDK DVD-R 2x (TDKG02000000) TDK DVD-R 4x (TTG01.......) TDK DVD-R 4x (TYG01.......) TDK DVD-R 4x Scratch-Proof (TTG01) TDK DVD-R 8x (TTG02) TDK DVD-R 8x (TTH01) TDK DVD-RW 2x (TDK502sakuM3) TDK DVD-RW 2x Scratch-Proof (TDK502sakuM3) In the Plus format,the chance of getting C-mags are greater.These are the ones to watch out for,many problems. The manufacturers for their dash format look very good. If they would go on sale locally,I'd like to try them. I usually look for Made In Japan on those labels,but looking for the japanese +4x or +8x will be trickier. Both c-mags and ricohjpn are made in taiwan.I do have their 2.4x +rw's and they have better playback than my old dreaded memorex +4x rw's. Which format do you burn with? Local media sales: Staples and Office max have maxell's on sale,somewhere between $18-$19 for a spindle of 50. I really like their manufacturers,especially their newer 8x media.
The manufacturers of the ones I got when I first started burning started with a yug, I believe. I don't have Internet access at home otherwise I would know for sure. The spindle I just got done using were the CMC MAG.F01. I have done quite a lot of burns and never had any coasters or any other problems with either manufacturer. When you say to stay away from the CMC ones is that because they produce a lot of coasters or is it for another reason such as longevity issues.
Dvd media quality is very important. I stick with the good stuff like taiyo yuden,maxell,and verbatim data life plus with the metal azo dye. These will have higher quality control standards,which means less problems and longevity of your backups. C-mags are on the lower spectrum for quality control. You may be ok with certain batches,but you may get burned by them in the end. The poorer quality media has to be burned a lot slower,a lower target,and some stand alones will have problems with them.Many members here reporting that their c-mag media is breaking down under 6 months later. More coasters are possible,and this can throw your pc drives from DMA to PIO,which is very bad. It just isn't worth it in the long run. The better quality media isn't that much more than the crappy ones. This is why cmags aren't recommended,especially for newbs. I can't recall the many nero burn error logs that I have read and the usual culprit were those cmags,but it is a high number. Those manufacturers for the TDK dash format look pretty good.But the plus 4x and 8x is a huge gamble. Burners are also different. Some may be able to use this media ok,others absolutely hate them. I have a couple spindles of Teon +8x in the 40 pack spindle with the mfg code of: CMCMAG-E01. They burn ok,but I keep that burn at 2.4x and I don't put anything important on them.Now on the first batch of those TEON +8x's in the 20 pack spindle,their ID code was: Ricohjpn-01,a very good manufacturer. 2 different mfg codes on the exact same brand name and speed,only thing different is spindle quantity. That's probably why their is 2 different mfg codes for the TDK +4x and +8x,different spindle quantities. Very tricky to figure out. That's why I recommend maxell media for newbs. Look At their Manufacturers that I have used,and not a single issue: +4x: ricohjpn01-3/5/15/25/50 packs +8x: Maxell-002-00: 25 pack/ Made in Japan -4x: Mxl-rg02/ty-g01/ritek go4: 3 different mfg codes on same yellowtop media! All 3 very good! -8x: Mxl-rg03: Made in Japan. I can't complain about any of those manufacturers.
so what type of media and manufactor should I use??? right now I have memorex +4x media. and also should I use + or - media??? and lastly I heard that princo media was the best for making dvds have you ever used it???
Princo=Crapco Best not to even buy any media,stick to the good stuff like taiyo yuden/verbatim data life plus/maxell/or fuji, Preferably something made in japan. Maxell's are easy to find locally,and often on sale. Their quality doesn't vary when switching from 3/5/10/15/25/and 50 packs. Your stand alone players will tell you which format they prefer. Try a small 3 or 5 pack of maxell's in both the plus and dash format. Then try these backup discs on your pc and stand alone players. After playing those backups,then you'll know if you have to stick with the plus/dash/or maybe they'll love them both so you don't have to worry about format. For my benq's , definitely the plus format,booktyped to dvd-rom.There's a few stand alones having problems reading my dash format. For my last I/O magic 16x, definitely the dash format. My stand alones/dvd-rom/and spare pc told me so. The plus format gave them "No disc" inserted errors,including both benq's and liteon dvd rom. That second benq took care of that issue.
Well how about ritek? Do they cause many members problems. IT is advertised on this board in a spindle of 100 for 21 dollars. That is great and would love to get it for my NEC3500A and other drives but want to make sure I won't have many errors/coasters and that it will play in most stand alone players.
It all depends on which format those stand alones that you play those backups on. They will tell you. I, Myself, My standalones will play anything I throw at them with both my benq's. A few of my friends and family can't play my dash backups,even using taiyo yuden. Therefore,my stand alones favor the plus format,so I shall keep burning the plus format. Actually I booktype dvd plus media to dvd-rom for near perfect compatability. The manufacturers for maxell dash media are very good to excellent. Maxell plus format, most of the 4x is pretty good,ricohjpn codes. And the +8x,made in japan are looking great.