Being a novice to the dvd burning world I am happy to join this forum. While searching information about WizardPro, I came across this site. Due to your outspoken criticism, you helped save me from wasting forty bucks on a scam. Thanks so much. Now on to my questions. Two years ago I purchased an IO Magic dvd burner because my pc was not equipped with a dvd burner. So far it has burned good movies. However, I can't make backup copies of my dvd collection because of copyright encryption. The IO Magic software only allows you to burn copies of non-encrypted dvd's. So my question is. WHAT DO I DO NOW? Can I use other dvd burning software(ie... Nero) on my my IO Magic to burn dvd's? Or do I have to buy a new dvd burner altogether? What's the most affordable and user friendly software on the market? Why doesn't most stores carry dvd encrypted burning software? I'm a rookie and I need some guidance. Can someone please walk me through all of this? Thanks in advance.
hi get anydvd and rip the film to hard drive with this app (takes out protection) awesome app! then burn to dvdr (good brand dvdr of course!) or you will have more probs besides
I agree w/ Rotary - AnyDVD all the way! Add CloneDVD and you will have a combo that will handle anything and one of the easiest. Right now aD members are getting $5 off of each Slysoft product purchase until 6/22. Just type in afterdawn in the coupon section. Here's a link - lots of good info to help get you started and guides on how to use the programs. Check out the FAQ section.
Thanks again for the info. The bbmayo site is pretty cool too. However, I still have one more question. Can I purchase ANYDVD at the local retail store ie...circuit city, best buy or office max? I'm eager to start burning first thing in the morning.
No - have it buy and download it online. No copy protecion removal software is available instore anymore. If you need anymore help when your start burning just let us know!
O.K. I'll go ahead and download it. Once again, the great minds on this forum have proven to be invaluable. Your willingness to help is much appreciated. Thanks a million.