i just started burning ps2 games last night and i used 5 disks with different programs and methods and none work on my ps2 whats a mod?
It bypasses the security feature that detect's a backup game on the PS2. In other words the PS2 thinks the backup is an original. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Spinning 2 TECHNICS SL-1200MK2 GEMINI FX-7000 ORTOFON Night Club Series 2 AMERICAN AUDIO PSX 2 PIONEER CDJ-100 [image]http://www.123dj.com/slipmats/DJ.jpg[/image][/small]
geestar20 Just curious as my children have PS. I have heard of mod and mod chips. What is the process for getting a PS to recognize a recorded disk? I tried once and the game said no disc. The PC shows the files to be on the disc. I used Games X Copy for the burn. I also have Alcohol 120. What's the general opinion on these progs for game recording?