Hey all if you don't hear from me again it's because i eighter killed my self or i got beat up from my boyfriend love Rose
Rose, If you are serious you should not be posting this here, call the police or some type of counselor and get help before it gets too serious. Sincerely, Andre
@Starleta/Rose I seriously hope your kidding - though that is nothing to kid about. [bold]No[/bold] man or woman is worth killing yourself over! Life gets better gets worse gets better and on and on - nothing can ever be perfect all the time BUT [bold]NO Man [/bold] should ever hit a woman. If he has than it's called 911 here in the us. Have him arrested and DO NOT drop the charges. Then get the heck out of where your are and stay AWAY from him - no matter what he says or threatens. You need to seek help immediatley.
please seek help if you are really serious!! nothing is worth taking you're own life over..if you're boyfriend is abusive in any way tell someone asap!!! there are times in everyones life that we need a little help...so please talk too a friend or a family member and you will get through this. JOHN
Jeez, if you are kidding then you have a sick sense of humor. IF YOU'RE NOT KIDDING then PLEASE get help fast. If you don't know where or how to get help and you live in the U.S. just let me know; I'm a social worker and I'll find out for you. If you're not kidding then you reached out for help...if you're in the US, PM me, tell me where you're located and what the hell is going on and I'll find the people and places for you in your area. The wierd thing about the state of mind you're in is that, perhaps because of the deeply personal nature of the problems, people ALWAYS think that their problems and situations are uniquely their's when NOTHING could be further from the truth. Gerry
@Rose I truly hope we will hear from you soon saying it was a good joke and laugh at us. But if you are serious, by hurting yourself will acomplish nothing, it will merely let the bastard win and maybe carry on on hurting someone else. Please take a look at these websites: http://suicidehotlines.com/arizona.html http://www.awhl.org/ It will not hurt you in anyway if you talk to someone. You can find great people everywhere willing to help and support you. Regards, Ciprian. Looking forward to hearing from you.
it seems as though someone is craving attention. if you're serious, gets some freakin help, just the fact that you posted here shows you dont want to die. you'll die soon enough, whats the hurry? being so young do you really think life is going to be this way forever? dont be silly. and if you are serious, well i guess there's nothing we can do. remember kids, it's down the street, not across the tracks.
HEy i'm alive and happy cause my boyfriend is in jail for not paying his harrassment charge i put on him in the summer of last year
kick him in the balls 3 times them do the mexican hat dance and THEN call the police. this is an effective method.
Well, we could have Rav009 come and kick his a$$ after which, as an encore, svar91 can come in with the song and dance. But, svar91, as any fighter knows (and I'm sure Rav009 will agree) kicking a guy in the balls is very often ineffective ... a guy's royal orbs can move and seperate far more than most people realize making the blow ineffective so I suggest using a 2X4. To make the occasion more festive, everyone should do the mexican hat dance. When you call the cops, make sure they're female cops with attitude.
my guess is there is someone already doing a mexican hat dance on those ping pongs!!! he is in the pokey...and it would be safe to say there is some 300lb guy named NAUGHTY NATE who has plans for those mcnuggets!!! book-ummmm danOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Man..you dont hit the man in the ball's if your havin a fight, thats just wrong...but i have no problem with the mexican dance
LOOKS LIKE THE GUYS *(mcnuggets}* ARE IN THE POT. after @rav009 got done with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he is now ball-less..........
LMFAO!!! Ireland like i said you have pics for EVERY occasion, LOL even for when a boyfriend is going to beat his b**** up I would'nt touch his dirty ball's..unless he realy pissed me off and even then i'd get some people to do it for me!
@Rav...I see yet another cultural difference on opposite sides of the pond; you don't kick a guy in the balls from a sense of fair play while we don't kick a guy in the balls in favor of a more reliable contact well, six of one and a half dozen of the other LOL! anyway.... @JMG...you're probably right however, my guess is that Naughty Nate prefers rump-roast to McNuggetts.
LMAO!! Naughty Nate , i like that one buddy gerry, hey if i was out numbered which is very unlikely, very, very unlikly infact , I'd kick their balls into their lowwer cavity
@Rav...Ireland is truly amazing isn't he? I have no idea how he does that. More amazing still, how does he do it so quickly? I've seen him slap an appropriate pic in place in a matter of moments. I can't even type that fast!