I have several DVD Rs from several makers..........ive never purchased DVD RWs but lately Ive noticed some of my DVDs say ........DVD+R but also it has something that says 4xRW.................what does that mean?? Ive tried to erase them with no luck..............am I doing something wrong or are they not RW??
where does it say RW? dos it say DVD+RW or does it say DVD+R, 4x RW...... the RW in this case me Writeable....not DVD+RW (Re Writeable) there is a difference.
Thanks for taking the time to reply ..........I appreciate the help.......it says DVD+R but then over on the other side it says 4x RW.............I thought I purchased plain Recordables but I dont know what the 4 x RW means................I figured it meant I could erase and record over them 4 times but Ive had no luck...................so what the heck does the 4 x RW mean??
duhhhhhhhhhhh........... I thought I said that the first time..... guess I was passed over. hahahahahha
I kinda figured it wasnt re writable but why do they bother putting 4 x RW ?? Why not just put 4 x R ?? Are they trying to be deceptive or what?? Whats the porpose