On some sites with many images, nearly half of the images towards the bottom of the page fail to load. But if I rightclick on the image placeholder and click 'Show picture', that particular image loads. Can anybody help me?
How fast is your internet conection? Is the page loaded with pictures and stuff? Sometimes is just a matter of too much content for the connection.
hermes_vb, My connection is 128kbps Up/Down. I get speeds of 16-17kbps. What's wierd is that the same page loads fine on my friend's 56kbps dialup connection. One more thing, this happened only after I installed IE7 Beta.
Well there's the problem... IE7 Beta is about as stable as a crack addict in need of a fix... I'd say revert back to IE6 and the problem will probably solve itself.
Even then...why should the installation of IE7 affect other browsers too? It somehow dosen't make any sense, as the other two browsers I use are Opera and Firefox, and both of them have their own engines.