That program doesnt really have proper directions how do i find out who makes them after i install the program
theres a button, second from the left that says media can also use dvd decrypter in the read mode or nero in tools(if you have nero) _X_X_X_X_X_[small] you should never take life too'll never get out alive!! procrastinate now...dont put it off till tomorrow if you can read dont need glasses.[/small]
Hi, I don't know. I haven't really used these DVD - R's and I'm not planning to! All the DVD - R's I bought so far are not playing good on my current DVD player. I am just going to try Verbatim or Ritek, best quality DVD - R's, and I recommend it to other people also! Regards, DiRect
kevin1488 If all you want to do is find the manufacturer of a particular disc; download an use the tool DVDIdenitfier. Its sole purpose is disc ID and it's simple to use. Imation +R have been predominately manufactured by Ricoh. The Ricoh media are a good quality item.