thread teleported to relevant forum, but please take heed of this -
Yes it does according to the Imgburn support forum. Go to and scroll down to Queue Burning using multiple burners for the details...and thanks for posting the question - I didn't know it could do that... Edit: more info added.
No it doesn't support simultaneous burning, but as indicated the queue feature will allow you do enter movies into a queue for burning one after the other. If you have two burners you can stage discs in the drive to burn in a staggered pattern...all you have to do is supply the discs.
Hi LOCOENG and thanks for the correction... So its possible to burn different multiple movies ripped onto hard drive using multiple burners at the same time, but not possible to burn the same movie using multiple burners at the same time? If so could it be worked around by have the same movie on hard drive twice with 2 different filenames? Also what would be the point, if I may ask, to burn multiple copies of the same movie simultaneously? Regards... Edit: added more info
Not with Imgburn...unless you just have two instances of the program running at the same time. Same answer as above. No work's just not gonna happen. Don't know, I've never considered doing it. Imgburn's queue feature will burn movies in a "queue", which means if you have more than one burner you can assign the movies in the queue to a the drive of your choice. When the first movie is finished burning the next movie in the queue will begin burning in the drive that it is assigned to. There is not any support for simultaneous burning in Imgburn and according to LUK there never will be, this can always change in the future. Have a read of how the queue feature works... If anyone is interested in simultaneous burning Mystice has provided instruction and the program to use.
...yes or a single burner. Imgburn must be due for an update soon... I wonder what LUK will add... Regards