Hello all!! If you want to know the (Virus/Trojan/Worm/Adware/Spyware) installed in your computer, here I'm providing you with simple ways to detect them manually. *press ctrl+alt+delete to view the task manager, select process page, if one of your PC processes matches with one of the below processes, well done you have detect virus or ad....... so list the name of the running application(process) in here to get some help. adaware.exe alevir.exe arr.exe backWeb.exe bargains.exe blss.exe bootconf.exe bpc.exe brasil.exe bundle.exe bvt.exe cfd.exe cmd32.exe cmesys.exe datemanager.exe dcomx.exe divx.exe dllreg.exe dpps2.exe dssagent.exe emsw.exe explore.exe fsg_4104.exe gator.exe gmt.exe hbinst.exe hbsrv.exe hxdl.exe hxiul.exe iedll.exe iedriver.exe iexplorer.exe infus.exe infwin.exe intdel.exe isass.exe istsvc.exe jdbgmrg.exe kazza.exe keenvalue.exe kernel32.exe launcher.exe loader.exe mapisvc32.exe md.exe mfin32.exe mmod.exe mostat.exe msapp.exe msbb.exe msblast.exe mscache.exe msccn32.exe mscman.exe msdm.exe msiexec16.exe mslaugh.exe msmgt.exe msmsgri32.exe msrexe.exe mssys.exe msvxd.exe netd32.exe nssys32.exe nstask32.exe nsupdate.exe onsrvr.exe optimize.exe patch.exe pgmonitr.exe powerscan.exe prizesurfer.exe prmt.exe prmvr.exe ray.exe rb32.exe rcsync.exe run32dll.exe rundll.exe rundll16.exe ruxdll32.exe sahagent.exe save.exe savenow.exe sc.exe scam32.exe scrsvr.exe scvhost.exe service.exe showbehind.exe soap.exe spoler.exe srng.exe start.exe stcloader.exe support.exe svc.exe svchosts.exe svshost.exe system.exe system32.exe teekids.exe trickler.exe tsadbot.exe tvmd.exe tvtmd.exe webdav.exe win32.exe win32us.exe winactive.exe win-bugsfix.exe windows.exe wininetd.exe wininit.exe winlogin.exe winmain.exe winnet.exe winppr32.exe winservn.exe winssk32.exe winstart.exe winstart001.exe wintsk32.exe winupdate.exe wnad.exe wupdt.exe unfortunately theres invisible viruses and process so you cant know everything. *the second way: by Registry edit. its good but not for dummies and beginners. • press start, select RUN. • type in the RUN window the command "regedit". • follow this folders path. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Software > Microsoft >Windows > Current Version > Run • at the right of the Registry Editor window theres the name of the files, if you find a strange name it cud be a spywareor... dont delete it till you make sure and ask anyone about this software and how to remove it completely. NOTE: always create a restore point before editing the registry. I appreciate your comments. Krazymale+++
Nice info.. If i feel like somethings going wrong i just bring up task manager and slap the process in google and see what i get.. I reccomend that if you belive you may be infected you post a HJT log rather than doing it yourself..