in badly need a hdtv

Discussion in 'HDTV discussion' started by joytime36, May 14, 2010.

  1. joytime36

    joytime36 Member

    Sep 30, 2007
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    iwanna buy a hdtv. but i 've no idea what to buy.( iam just student now, my budget is very tight) just found one--Viore 22" Class 1080p LCD HDTV just for $198. i know its sure to be a good price. but not sure for the quality. is it really worth every penny. give me some suggestions.
    thanks to help a noob out!
  2. Paula_X

    Paula_X Guest

    nobody "needs" a hdtv,.. it's a luxury most of the world can happily do without.. a good 24" crt sd tv will be free from a dumpster round the corner.. honest.. and will look just as good as a $200 hd "bargain".. probably better in fact. I have yet to see a lcd hd display under 32" look any better than my 18 year old tatung crt freebie.. most look worse and give me headaches or smear fast moving objects.

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