I've read so much good about NERO 6 Ultra that I downloaded it and began using it to burn my DVD copies. It worked great - following the instructions on this site with the different formulas I've had many successes. So this week I decide to purchase the package and received it yesterday. I had already downloaded the program and the Updates but until I received my S/N yesterday I couldn't install the updates. Last night I installed the Updated and that’s when things went wrong. Everything was OK until InCD - This is where I need HELP. I installed InCD, rebooted, and my machine froze solid. It would not boot Windows so I had to go into the safe mode and uninstall InCD. I have tried everything I could think of but can't get the program to install and boot. Has anyone had this experience and resolved it. I am running Win 98SE. I have had several disc detection programs in the past and they worked fine. My last installed program was B'Clip. Any help would be appreciated.
ehh, You don't need InCD. If you ever had Roxio it's like Drag to Disc. I've never had a problem with Drag to Disc, but have read both Drag to Disc and InCD can cause problems when backing up.
Packet writing software such as InCd seems to cause more trouble than its worth. Like flip218 stated, you don't need it to use Nero. If you need to store data using a CDRW, (DVDRW is for most people a waste in my view) then check to see if your drive has support for Mount Ranier. It works much in the same way that the old floppy did without buggy packet software getting in the way.
If you've read this forum at all you know I'm a huge fan of nero. Stay away from Incd. I had problems too (this could be due to the fact I'm an idiot and don't know what the hell I'm doing-wife's comment). When I uninstalled it everything is back to normal. Just download power packs 1,2,&4 and all relevant updates and you'll be fine.
No bigorange you're telling it like it is! Packet writing software is at the cause of many-a-soft conflict and there's no observable standard for them to agree with. Mount Renaier (cd-r/rw only) is the best solution, or at least a standard, drag and drop info/data and none of the other bull.
It seems like everyone is in aggreement on that one. InCD is out. I have been using BClip to back up data files such as MSMoney in place of a floppy - I have a Sony CDRW and I think that I can get an update to support Mount Ranier. Thanks for eveyones Input. I've gotten a lot of good info on this site and really appreciate the input.
flip218 As a matter of fact it is- do you think that's it? That B Clip software is stubborn as well. I can't for the life of me get it off my system. I,ve used the Win98 add/remove software and it didn't remove it , so I deleted the files and it stills thinks the program is on the system. I try to reinstall it and it still want's to remove it. I say OK - Uninstall It - and it goes through the motions but never succeeds. What a circle jerk. I'll put the drive on it's own cable. Thanks!
Well whether its the problem or not, it still is a good thing to make your burner the master on its own ide cable and make the cdrw a slave on another ide cable.