i formatted a vertatim cdrw using incd. and copied a word file on it. this file can be opened on my pc and my friends pc. but when i try to open this file on my college pc the cd gets detected but when i click it no word file is displayed . i used copy paste method to get the file on my cdrw
Your friend MUST have INCd installed on HIS computer to be able to read your CD/RW -- InCd is a method of writing to a blank CD/RW -- hence the person must have the InCd reader to be able to read what's on the disk. Install InCd on your friend's puter and you home free ! _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Do It Right , and you will be a Happy Camper ! Take Care.[/small]
Like Jeanc1 said, you need InCD on the PC reading the disc so it depends on whether the college will let you install InCD on their PC.