Having just recovered from a major crash I have got my computer back up running, however I can't seem to get the sata drive seen as it;s full 300gb. When I run disk management it says disk 1 healthy 298gb. but in cotril panel disk D =128 gb. I am at a loss why the 2 conflict and I am not sure how much space I actually have. Anyone any ideas?
Hi Sammorris Well I think I had upto sp2 included. I know there is a srvice pack 3 which I haven't got yet. Do you think this is the problem then. will it effect the disk in any way (apart from only displaying incorrectly)or can I start to download files to it. Will it help if repartition it? Cheers
It might, but if it's your OS drive you might have trouble doing that. There isn't a jumper on the drive set to limit its capacity is there?
Hi Sam, It is not my os drive.it is my d drive .before my crash it operated as 300gb so thats why I dont understand why it is now different. As I said before in Computer management the top half of the gui says 128gb healthy the bottom half 298gb.however in the top half it does show drive as "D" in the bottom half as disk 1.might try and reformat it to see if that helps the situation, its just one of those niggly things really. I thank you for your comments . I have't checked a jumper setting as I just removed the drive and put it back in when I got it going again so I never touched anything else but I will check. Cheers
If you didn't change the position of the jumper it won't be wrong - it is a little strange how it isn't still formatted - but I don't know the nature of the 'crash' you had.
hi again, I wasn't sure myself really switched it off at night the next day would not boot up after the dmi post. boot record damaged tried to repair it to avail but the drive does work as a slave just won't work as a master so replaced that with a shiny new WD drive and reinstalled windows. I will also have a look at the foxcon website to see if there is a update to the bios although it all seems rather strange why it sholud just suddenly be awkward. thanks for your post