Increase the volume

Discussion in 'Audio' started by ckmerc02, Sep 18, 2005.

  1. ckmerc02

    ckmerc02 Guest

    What "free" program would you recommend for simply increasing the volume level of a few 192 bit MP3 songs I have... Please keep in mind...I don't want to decrease the overall quality of the song...just increase the volume so when I burn them to CD or listen to them on my Ipod....I don't have to crank the volume when the low volume songs are playing...

    I have Nero Wave Editor 2...but from what I have read on this is not a very desirable program..

    thanks for your suggestons....
  2. johnodd4

    johnodd4 Guest

    nero wav editior is fine but your volume problems may be associated
    with your cd

    some cd's that use dolby digital decode into mp3's at a weird lower rate and sound weird as well!!! i had this problem while converting a irish rovers cd to mp3 when i went to play a song called lily the pink all audio in the left channel went dim and i do mean dimm

    so it mostly depends on the cd to

    but try wave editor and see

  3. ckmerc02

    ckmerc02 Guest

    The CD is from the late 80s early 90s (Flotsam & Jetsam)...the volume increase worked fine...however..

    After I increased the volume on the song, highlighted and resaved it....when I play the song in starts to "crack" during the higher / hard guitar parts. is now at the same volume levle as the other songs in Itunes...but I wonder what is happening here. As an FYI..the size / quality of the song is the same as the old version 192 / 8.6MB...which is what I wanted...

    I do notice that whey in the "Voume Change" section of Wave do get a "cracking / static" sound when you slide the bar up too far...but I stayed fairly low with the increase...(like 1.5 bars up).

    I just wonder if I am over complicating this..and there might be an easier way....
  4. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

  5. ckmerc02

    ckmerc02 Guest

    diablos.....EXCELLENT....thanks so much. this was perfect... my other friends with Ipods also thank you as well....

    you rock dude!!
  6. ckmerc02

    ckmerc02 Guest worked well (MP3 gain)...however...

    when I change the song's gain level..the change is recogonized in Itunes...however, when I connect my does not know that the file needs to be updated and the change does not take effect on my Ipod...I will play around and let you know what I find out...
  7. ckmerc02

    ckmerc02 Guest

    I went ahead and did the MP3 gain with all 1500 of my songs....then removed them from Itunes and re-inserted so the Ipod would detect a change and update all 1500 songs.......worked great...thanks for the help!

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