I put a gun xbox trainer in my trainer folder and ten i restart my xbox and i get an infinite loop of rebooting i can fix that by rebooting my slayer-evox disk but i really want that trainer to work can someone please HELP
The trainer isn't the root of your problem, something in you boot data has become corrupted, best suggestion, restore your original settings on the xbox. If it's softmodded, try using whatever game you used to originally alter it. Then just reload the new dashboard. Hopefully something in there helped! (Hopefully)
Whenever you installed the trainer, something with your softmod mucked up. Reinstall the softmod and see if it works.
I dont softmod i have an executer 2 chip but it works with every trailer except gun i download it extract it i get the etm file put it in my trainerfolder reboot my xbox and BAM infinite loop i just want the trailer to work
Well, the trainer itself can't cause that, because it doesn't effect your bootfiles in any way, unless it was dragged to the wrong place. Especially with a chip, that's really strange. I would suggest flashing the chip, that should help a LOT.