Hello, I have a hard drive that I took out of a computer that ran Windows XP. I only had one user on it and the login was passworded. I put the hard drive into an enclosure and plugged it into my other computer's USB port. It came up like another drive. That part was fine. But when I try to get into my documents it won't let me because it says it is passworded protected. Does anyone know how to get around this password? I need to get that information out of my documents. Please help!!! THANK YOU!!
you need to take ownership of the old drive you have connected to your new system. do these steps: 1. Sign in as administrator. 2. Right click on the secondary drive and choose Properties. 3. Security tab. 4. Advanced button. 5. Owner tab. 6. "Change owner to" box. Select the account to own the files. 7. Click OK. microsoft has a second option as well. the above method is for taking ownership of the entire drive. the method in this link here http://support.microsoft.com/kb/308421 is for taking ownership of individual files and folders. either way both methods should work fine for you.