Vobblanker is giving my this error message (reached end of vob too early) I am still in the learning process with vobblanker.
Hello. If you're just using vobblanker to clean up your files after ripping with DVDFab Decrypter and not blanking out features, etc., FixVTS can also be used. http://www.videohelp.com/~FixVTS/ Here's a guide for using DVDFab and Vobblanker together: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/334154
I did run it through dvdfab first and then I was running it through vobblanker and got this error message saying INPUT ERROR, REACHED END OF VOB TOO EARLY.
VobBlanker is not always a necessary step, have you tried going striaght from DVDFab to DVD Shrink to encode and burn?
Locoeng, That worked on two movies. Thank you. Do you still have any idea what that error message meant?
I don't know what it means because I don't use VobBlanker...I only backup the main movie on my DVD's. The structure is usually corrupt in the special features or menus, and because I don't keep them it's not an issue.