How do I easily insert song tracks with Nero? I have recorded a number of my cd's to my harddrive and now wish to make a cd. Further I want to be able to insert tracks so I can pick what songs I want to listen to. Have messed with Nero 6 (I believe in the Wave Editor section). Under the edit button is a button that states "insert track". I push the button where the track is to be inserted. The track verbiage shows up on the screen but doesn't seem to take when I save. Gotta be doing something wrong. Go to the wonderful manuals and I'm led to believe the only way to perform the function is to cut and save and paste individual songs. Any thoughts?
Your question is confusing. The Wave Editor is for editing wave files(cutting out parts of a file, adjusting volume, etc...). Not for creating a CD. If you wish to create a CD, you would open up Nero's Burning ROM. You will get a box to pop up. You choose "Audio CD" & click on "New". Then the Burning ROM opens up with a file browser, so you can navigate to the files you want to add to your compilation. Then you just "Drag & Drop" the files you want to burn into the section that's titled "Audio 1". Just play around with it a little bit & you'll get the hang of it. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. Good Luck!!
Sorry for the confusion. Here's what I've accomplished so far. First of all I copied an entire cassette to my hard drive. Did not copy individual songs, just the entire tape. When I go to make a cd out of it the cd has one complete "song". What I would like to do is go back into my hard drive copy of the cassette, insert tracks for individual songs and then make a cd where I can choose the individual song titles. Thanks
When you have the file in the wave editor you need to highlight 1 of the songs & [bold]copy[/bold] it to a seperate folder(see attachment). What I did was create a folder & name it the title of the album. Then Copied all the individual files(songs) to it. After it completes the copying you just click Ctrl & "X" at the same time. This will delete the highlighted area from the wave editor only(just to get it out of your way for now). Then you just move on to the next song. When you're done with all the songs, close the wave editor. A pop-up will ask if you want to save your changes, Click "Don't change". This will maintain your original file.
Thanks. I was afraid that was what was going to be required. Just curious though...look at the insert you provided and see on the edit screen the little button that says "insert track split"? What's that used for? This was the button I was using. Again-thanks for your help.
I've never used that feature, but what it does is this. You left-click on a spot in the wave editor. That moves your cursor to that point & when you click, "Add a track split", It actually splits the file into 2 files at that point. If I'm not mistaken, you need to put a split at the very beginning of the file to have the first song be "Track #1". Then you go to the silence gap between song 1 & song 2, left-click to set your curser, click on "add a track split", & it set's your start to "Track #2". You do this until you have all track splits done & then click on "Save tracks as files". It's probably easiest to do it this way, but then they are just listed as track 1, track 2, track 3, and so on. So you have to go back & rename them all. Given the fact that you recorded from a cassette, it might be easiest for you to do it that way. But when I recorded from an LP. Some tracks came out softer than others. So I had to do some editing of indidual tracks & it just seemed easier to do it the way I originally suggested. But that's up to you. Just play around with it & it will all come clear. One suggestion, if you haven't done it already, is to make a copy of the original file & use that to play around with. Just incase you screw it up bad, you always have the original intact.
Dave- guess what I wasn't doing was "saving tracks as files". Will try it when I get home tonight. Really do appreciate all your time in helping me with this. Thanks bob