Before I start with my question, I want to thank everyone for their help or at least trying to help -Matt Ok, the question im having trouble backing up Inside Man, after i am done with opening the disk and I hit backup a box pops up and says " Dvd Shrink encountered an error and cannot continue. Failed to read file "G:\" , Copy Protection Error - The read Failed because the sector is encrypted" could somebody help. I use DVD SHRINK 3.2
try this... ...
no problem, the guide by arniebear is simple and easy to follow (and its free). ive did a few this way myself. i mostly use anydvd and clone2, there both avaliable at and they have a free trial.
New movie + old Shrink = not good. Chances are, if you ever want to back up a newer movie with ONLY shrink, it won't work. Shrink + anything newer will always work (like AnyDVD or DVDFab). This is why you never see me posting about a troublesome movie .