I will be replacing my burnt out plextor 716A. After reading the forum reviews about the Benq 1650 ($70.00 less) I'm thinking that's what I will get. Does anyone know how the Plextor and BenQ compare. I read that a con people are having is that the BenQ 1650 from new egg is that it is a drive and bubble wrap only. Will it be a pretty much straight forward replacement? Screws, cable, jumper and what ever? Is there an install manual available on line? I installed the plextor myself with no problems. Recommendations and tips appreciated
Hi, Although from Philips this guide http://www.storageupdates.philips.com/files/dvdrw/9305_125_2473_7_how_to.pdf Is all you need. Philips 1660 & BenQ 1650 are the same drive.