Ive done several searches, and still can't figure out how to install emulators. i downloaded a gba emu from xbins. i put it in f:\apps\emulators. i even tried e:\apps\emulators. i restarted the xbox, refreshed the list, and still it did show that i had any emulators on my box. any help?
Rather than putting it in the emulators folder, try loading it into the apps folder and seeing if it'll show up under applications. Also, if the dash you're using isn't configured to look for that folder, then it's not going to find it. They have a specific set of folders to scan, so if it isn't in one of these folders it's not going to find it. I know for a fact that Avalaunch checks for emulators in the folders you mentioned, but I don't know about EvoX and UnleashX. What dash are you using? Edit: EvoX searches there as well.
well a commmon mistake people make is not adding it correctly (some people dont unzip it either) it should be like E:/emus/gbaemu/ put the default.xbe and other stuff in there it should then load just fine. Th ecatagory shouldnt matter bc most mods do look for the folder but yea you can alwasy try putting it in your apps or gmaes folder also