hello i have evox dash with an Xecuter 3 CE. the problem i am having is i can FTP to the HDD but i cannot write the dash files to the HDD when it is unlocked. the HDD has been formated and i am unable to load any games or slayers "if its even burned correctly or on acceptable media". there is no dash or anything on the HDD obviously. for bios on the chip i have i belive the most recent X3_3294 bios. i need help getting files onto the HDD. before the format i was able to copy files from the HDD but was unable to remove files so i dont know if i have ever had full access to the drive in the first place. to get in and FTP the chip gave me a default log and pass. the programs i am using are cute FTP and flashFXP. any help will be greatly appreciated
ok, you gotta be doing something wrong with slayers, becuse it is supposed to format the hd and install all the software. did you get the release from slayers themselves or did you get a shonky copy off a p2p network?
the format that was done was from the bios of the chip itself. i think i got 2 versions of slayers from a torrent site or something.
after a few more tries i am still unsucessful in getting slayers to even boot. basicly i am stuck. is there a way to reload the m$dash from a game buy making an xiso????
You are not burning slayer's iso right. Burn at low (2x) speed and click finalize. Burn on dvd-r (not cheap, ritek, memorex) if possible. You can ftp through the X3 bios in Config Live. Go into X3CL and check username and pass...not sure what they are, I always use a dash. From there you can fix/reformat. If you want you can just FTP over evoxdash.xbe and evox.ini and gain ftp access from there. Make sure you are using the official .torrent and hash also, for SlaYers.